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Slow and Steady Best Practices to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being

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At face value, the term’ psychological well-being’ may seem like just another synonym for this generation’s buzzword — ‘mental health.’ Nevertheless, with a more detailed examination, we can see that it is actually a core component of mental health defined simply as an individual’s emotional health and overall functioning. Psychological well-being is the happiness derived from pleasure and enjoyment as well as the one found in meaning and purpose. This happiness, coupled with resilience, makes up our psychological well-being.

Practical Ways to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being

If you are mentally healthy, you must satisfy two conditions: the absence of mental illness and the presence of psychological well-being. But psychological well-being is much more complex than simply being happy and resilient. These two things depend on striking a balance among several factors, including social relationships, autonomy, self-acceptance, personal growth and development, environmental mastery, and a feeling of purpose and meaning in life. This may seem like a lot to have on your plate, but there are actually several slow and steady ways to achieve psychological well-being.

Create Purpose, Find Meaning

What constitutes a purposeful and meaningful life will look different to everyone. Some people are invigorated by engaging in work that values their talents and abilities. Others find it meaningful to volunteer their time and resources to do charity work or care for others. Either way, there is joy and fulfillment in knowing that your contributions are valued.

Think Positively

A positive outlook in life uplifts our spirit, buoys us with hope, and improves our psychological well-being. Simple habits like recalling positive life events and performing acts of kindness are small ways to boost overall positivity. Purposeful actions like thinking about a better future, identifying your strengths, and practicing forgiveness, on the other hand, are things we can choose to do with intention that can affect how well we think positively.

Nurture Relationships and Make New Connections

Humans are social beings, and we are at our best when we spend enough quality time with the people whose company we enjoy. While the right amount of social interaction will vary from person to person, everyone benefits from forming deep connections with other people. So take time to meet friends for lunch or a cup of coffee. Join a group of like-minded individuals sharing a common interest. Rekindling meaningful friendships, getting acquainted with neighbors, and creating a community of people you can connect with and rely on are good for your mental well-being.


Psychological well-being is about so much more than the state of our minds. To achieve optimum mental health, we also need to take care of our bodies. Exercising improves circulation and provides an oxygen boost to the brain as well as a release of endorphins, the happy hormone. Nourishing our body with a brain-healthy diet rich in Vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids is another way to keep our bodies healthy. Furthermore, getting enough rest and sleep to allow our bodies and brains to repair rounds up the trifecta of physical self-care for optimum mental health.

Express Yourself

Part of being mentally healthy is the ability to let out what is inside you. Instead of bottling your thoughts and emotions, find a way to express your feelings productively. For some people, this can be as simple as talking to someone, while others find it easier to write or engage in artistic endeavors such as painting, taking photos, or doing crafts.

Appeal to Your Senses

Our senses are the gateway to our mental and emotional state as they are our points of interaction with the world. While they can sometimes get overloaded — too much loud music, constant chatter, extended periods of screen time — they can also provide ways for us to calm down. When things get too overwhelming, try taking a break and going outside for a walk. Nature and fresh air usually tone down frayed senses. Other things to try could be listening to relaxing music, squeezing a stress ball, or lighting an aromatherapy candle.

Start Relaxing

Something as simple as deep breathing exercises can do wonders for your mental health. Other practices that encourage relaxation are yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. Being aware of our breath and simply feeling our existence at the moment helps reduce the clutter in our minds and create the kind of peace and clarity that is beneficial to mental health.

Practice Gratitude

The enormity of our worries and problems can sometimes obscure our view enough to forget the good things we already have. To ensure that we aren’t focusing too much on the negative things, it is a healthy practice to step back and count our blessings. Expressing gratitude for what we have helps us focus on the positive things in life, whether small or insignificant.

Make Leisure and Contemplation a Priority

In the fast-paced, goal-oriented world we live in today, it is easy to get caught up in the frantic scramble to constantly achieve, leading us to think that being busy is the only way to be productive. However, this kind of thinking leads to stress. A better way to handle this anxiety would be to set work aside and find time to contemplate, relax, and do things we enjoy without guilt.

Get Professional Help

Often, the best way to help we is to ask other people for help. Don’t be afraid to reach out and request the support you need. No one is supposed to do this alone, and seeking professional help is not an admission of defeat but an act of self-love. According to the CDC, one in five Americans will deal with a mental illness in any given year. Likewise, one in five kids will deal with a debilitating mental condition. Furthermore, one in 25 Americans lives with a severe mental illness, like major depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. Don’t be afraid to get help — it’s more common than you think!

We Are Here to Help Improve Your Psychological Well-Being

Schedule a free assessment with our medical staff today, and you will receive a personalized treatment plan based on your diagnosis. We have the knowledge and tools that you need to start feeling better. You deserve a happy and healthy life, so reach out to our mental health facility today to learn more about our inpatient and outpatient programs.

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